Curriculum vitae (english version)


Stefano Allievi
Home Address:

Academic achievements:
2014 (November) – Current
Director of the Master Course on Islam in Europe, University of Padua
2013 (October 1st) – Current
President of the master’s degree course (“Corso di laurea magistrale”) in Sociology at the University of Padua
2004 – Current
Professor of Sociology, University of Padua, Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology (tenured; qualified to Full Professorship in December 2013 and February 2014)
Secretary of the Sociology of Religion section of the Italian Association of Sociology (AIS)
Lecturer, University of Padua, Department of Sociology (tenured after three years)
Annual Lecturer of Sociology, University of Padua (contract rofessor, in the Italian system; not tenured)
Annual Lecturer of Sociology, “Ca’ Foscari” University of Venice
Faculty member and Assistant, with teaching duties, of Urban Sociology, at the Polytechnic of Milan, Faculty of Architecture, and at the University of Milan, Faculty of Political Sciences
Co-founder and co-organizer of the master on Studies on Islam of Europe, at the University of Padua
Member and co-founder of FIDR (International Forum for Democracy & Religions)
Member and co-founder of Eurislam
Associated member of the CISCOW (Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Islam in the Contemporary World) of the Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, and of the research group on Islam and modernity (GRIM) at the University of Padua
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Yearbook on the Sociology of Islam, of the review Religioni e Società, of the scientific committee of the reviews Africa e Mediterraneo and Popoli, and of the Academic Advisory Board of the European Journal of Muslim Perspectives (EJMP)
Other professional activities:
Editor, then Editor in Chief of the review Prospettiva sindacale

Co-director of the review Orientamenti
Coordinator of the Observatory on military Industry in Lombardy (promoted by CISL trade union and the Centre for Applied Economy of the Catholic University, Milan)
In charge of the International Bureau, CISL Milan
In charge of the Foreign Workers’ Bureau, CGIL-CISL-UIL (United Trade Unions) Milan
Professional journalist at the Rizzoli group, with a two months stage at the daily newspaper  Il Lavoro in Genoa and a six months permanence at the weekly L’Europeo in Milan
Apart Italian, I speak and write fluent English and French, and I have a good knowledge of Spanish (I have also studied Arabic and German).

University of Trento. Faculty of Sociology. PhD in Sociology and Social Research. Thesis on “Conversions to Islam”
University of Milan. Faculty of Political Sciences. University degree with final grade 110/110. Thesis on “Aspects and problems of immigration in Italy”. Sub-thesis on “The Lombard Ligue”
Erasmus courses, Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve:
1989 Sociologie des migrations: relations interethniques et processus d’intégration
1990 Migrations et populations islamiques en Europe
1991 Immigrés, nouvelles populations et la ville européenne
IFG Istituto per la Formazione al Giornalismo, Milan. Biennial national full-time course of journalism
Various Years
Residential courses of foreign languages in English (Dublin several times, Edinburgh, London), French (Paris, Amboise, Cap d’Ail), Spanish (Barcelona), Arabic (Tunis), German (Vienna)

Participation to national researches and grants:
2013 – Current La produzione di conoscenza islamica in Europa: l’islam come brand (The production of Islamic Knowledge in Europe: Islam as a Brand), MIUR Ministry of University and Scientific Research (grant)
2011-2012 Moschee e luoghi di culto islamici in Europa (Mosques and Islamic Places of Worship in Europe), MIUR Ministry of University and Scientific Research (grant)
2008-2010 Conflitti intorno alla costruzione di moschee nello spazio pubblico europeo (Conflicts on the Construction of Mosques in the European Public Space), MIUR Ministry of University and Scientific Research (grant)
2008-2010, Il pluralismo religioso in Italia (Religious Pluralism in Italy), MIUR Ministry of University and Scientific Research, PRIN 2008 (participation to research project)
2005-2008 Saperi di confine. Interpretazioni, rappresentazioni e cambiamento culturale (Frontier knowledges. Interpretations, representations and cultural change), MIUR Ministry of University and Scientific Research (participation to research project)
2003-2007 Trasformazione dei discorsi nel e sull’islam nello spazio pubblico europeo (Transformation of Discourses in and on Islam in the European Public Space, MIUR Ministry of University and Scientific Research (grant)
2003-2005 Tra religione e marketing. Intersezioni e influenze reciproche (Between Religion and Marketing. Intersections and Reciprocal Influences), MIUR Ministry of University and Scientific Research (participation to research project)
2000-2003 Costruzione dello spazio pubblico mediatico (The Construction of the Mediatic Public Space), MIUR Ministry of University and Scientific Research (participation to research project)
1999-2002 Tra scienza e religione. Aspetti della New Age (Between Science and Religion. Aspects of New Age), MIUR Ministry of University and Scientific Research (participation to research project)
1999 La presenza araba in Italia: sociologia e antropologia. Repertorio bibliografico (The Arab Presence in Italy: Sociology and Anthropology. Bibliographical references ), Ministry of Culture, General Direction on Publishing sector (research report)
1998-2000 Il pluralismo morale e religioso in Italia e in Europa (Religious and Moral Pluralism in Italy and Europe), MIUR Ministry of University and Scientific Research (participation to research project)
1998-1999 Confessioni religiose, movimenti e altre organizzazioni di culto in Italia (Religious Confessions, Movements and other Cult Organizations in Italy), Ministry of Interiors, General Direction on Cults Affairs (co-conducted and final report)
1994 L’associazionismo e l’immigrazione in Lombardia: quattro province a confronto (Associations and Immigration in Lombardy), Cesvi (research report)
1993 Rapporto IReR ’91-’92, IreR Regione Lombardia; chapter on immigration and Islamic presence (research report)
1993 Immigrazione e famiglie miste: i matrimoni interreligiosi – il caso dell’islam (Immigration and Mixed Families: Interreligious Marriages), Comune di Milano (research report)
1992-1993 L’immigrazione a Milano. Un bilancio interdisciplinare (Immigration in Milan. An Interdisciplinary Overview), Comune di Milano Iref (directed)
1992 Dossier scuola 1991-92. Il diritto allo studio negli anni ’90, IreR Regione Lombardia; chapter on migrants and the school system (research report)
1992 Uno sviluppo ineguale. Rapporto sociale sulla diocesi ambrosiana, Centro Sociale Ambrosiano; chapter on immigration (co-conducted)
1991-1992 L’immigrazione islamica in Italia, Iscos 1988 La realtà sociale lombarda: fenomeni e tendenze. Rapporto IreR ’88, IReR Lombardy (research report on immigration)
1991 Bilancio delle ricerche e delle conoscenze relative all’Islam europeo – La situazione italiana (State of Art of Researches and Knowledge concerning European Islam – The Italian Situation), Fondazione Agnelli (research report)
1990 L’immigrazione straniera in Italia. Le politiche comunali: il caso di Milano (Foreign Immigration in Italy. Municipal Policies: the Milan Case), research report for Censis
Participation to and direction of international research programs:
2013-2016 Member of the French-Italian research group Circulation religieuses et ancrages méditerranéens. Etats et internationalisation des faits religieux contemporains. Europe du Sud, Maghreb, Moyen-Orient (CIRENLANMED), financed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)
2010-2013 Co-director of the project Training of Imams and Community leaders, Interuniversity Research Centre ‘International Forum for Democracy & Religions’ (FIDR) (Italy)
2010-2012 Member of the national research group PRIN-MIUR Mapping Religious Pluralism in Italy
2008-2010 Director of the international comparative research project on Conflicts over mosques in Europe, for the European program “Religion and democracy” of the Network of European Foundations (direction, report)
2007-2011 Consultant member of L’émergence d’un acteur dans l’espace public. Une approche comparative de la structuration du champ islamique en Suisse, research financed by the Fond National de la Recherche Suisse (FNRS) in the frame of PNR 58, «Religion, Etat et société», in collaboration with Institut d’Etudes Politiques Internationales Université de Lausanne, IISMM Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales Paris, University of Padua
2004-2007 Member of the scientific committee and among the coordinators of Europe’s Muslim Communities: Security and Integration Post September 11, promoted by Ethnobarometer (coordination of the Italian research team, national research and report)
2000-2003 Islam in Europe, research report for the European Commission, Forward Studies Unit (several chapters of the final report)
1995-2000 Member of the coordination committee of the research project Individual and Society in the Mediterranean Muslim World, European Science Foundation (co-organization of workshops, report)
1991 Médias et minorités arabes en Europe pendant la Guerre du Golfe, European Community; General Division X (national report)


Chi ha ucciso il PD (Who killed the Democratic Party), Milano, Mimesis, 2013
Ma la moschea no. I conflitti sui luoghi di culto islamici, dall’Europa al Nordest (No to the mosque. Conflicts on Islamic places of worship, from Europe to the Italian North-East), Padova, La Gru, 2012
Avrupa’da Müslüman Öznenin Üretimi: Fikirler, Bilinçler, Örnekler, (translation of Producing Islamic Knowledge), Istambul, Iletisim, 2012
Producing Islamic Knowledge. Transmission and dissemination in Western Europe (eds. M. Van Bruinessen and S. Allievi), London-New York, Routledge, 2011

La guerra delle moschee. L’Europa e la sfida del pluralismo religioso (The war of mosques. Europe and the challenge of religious pluralism), Venezia, Marsilio, 2010

Al-Islâm al-Itâlî. Rihla(t) fî waqâ’i’ al-diyâna al-thâniya, (translation of Islam italiano), Abu Dhabi, Kalima, 2010, pp. 279

Mosques of Europe. Why a solution has become a problem (ed.), London, Alliance Publishing Trust / Network of European foundations, 2010

Conflicts over Mosques in Europe. Policy issues and trends, London, Alliance Publishing Trust / Network of European Foundations, 2009
I musulmani e la società italiana. Percezioni reciproche, conflitti culturali, trasformazioni sociali (Muslims and Italian society. Reciprocal perceptions, cultural conflicts, social transformations) (ed.), Milano, Franco Angeli, 2009
Le trappole dell’immaginario: islam e occidente (The traps of imaginary: Islam and the West), Udine, Forum, 2007

Niente di personale, signora Fallaci. Una trilogia alternativa (Nothing personal, Mrs. Fallaci. An alternative trilogy), Reggio Emilia, Aliberti, 2006
Pluralismo (Pluralism), EMI, Bologna, 2006
Ragioni senza forza, forze senza ragione. Una risposta a Oriana Fallaci (Reasons without force, forces without reason. An answer to Oriana Fallaci), Bologna, EMI, 2004
Muslims in the Enlarged Europe (eds. B.Maréchal, S.Allievi, F.Dassetto, J.Nielsen), Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2003
Islam italiano. Viaggio nella seconda religione del paese (Italian Islam. A journey into the country’s second religion), Torino, Einaudi, 2003

Salute e salvezza. Le religioni di fronte alla nascita, alla malattia e alla morte (Health and Salvation. Religions face to birth, illness and death), Bologna, EDB, 2003
Muslim Networks and Transnational Communities in and across Europe (eds. S.Allievi and J.Nielsen), Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2003
Donne e religioni. Il valore delle differenze (Women and religions. The value of differences) (ed.), Bologna, EMI, 2002
Musulmani d’occidente. Tendenze dell’islam europeo (Muslims of the West. Tendencies of European Islam), Roma, Carocci, 2002 (new edition 2005)
Un Dio al plurale. Presenze religiose in Italia (A God in the plural. Religious presences in Italy), Bologna, EDB, 2001 (with G.Guizzardi and C.Prandi)
La tentazione della guerra. Dopo l’attacco al World Trade Center: a proposito di Occidente, islam e altri frammenti di conflitto fra culture (The temptation of war. After the World Trade Center attack: on the West, Islam and other fragments of conflict among cultures), Milano, Zelig, 2001, pp.190
Nouveaux protagonistes de l’islam européen. Naissance d’une culture euro-islamique? Le rôle des convertis, European University Institute, Working Papers, n.18, 2000, pp.35
Il libro e la spada. La sfida dei fondamentalismi (The Book and the Sword. The challenge of fundamentalisms), Torino, Claudiana, 2000, pp.205 (with D. Bidussa and P. Naso)
Conversions à l’islam en Europe / Conversions to Islam in Europe, Social Compass, SAGE Publications, vol.46, n.3, pp.243-362 (monographic issue, ed. with F. Dassetto)
I nuovi musulmani. I convertiti all’islam (New Muslims. Converts to Islam), Edizioni Lavoro, Roma, 1999, pp.296
Islamica. Un itinerario bibliografico alla scoperta dell’Islam (Islamica. A bibliographical itinerary to the discovery of Islam), Biblioteca comunale, Carpi, 1999, pp.44 (revised and updated edition 2002)
Les convertis à l’islam. Les nouveaux musulmans d’Europe, L’Harmattan, Paris, 1998, pp.383
L’occidente di fronte all’islam (The West facing Islam) (ed.), Franco Angeli, Milano, 1996, pp.224
Il libro dell’altro (The book of the other), EDB, Bologna, 1995, pp. 132
Il ritorno dell’islam. I musulmani in Italia, Edizioni Lavoro, Roma, 1993, pp.295 (with F. Dassetto)
Le parole della Lega (The words of the Ligue, a xenophobic secessionist party), Garzanti, Milano, 1992, pp.115

Médias et minorités ethniques. Le cas de la guerre du Golfe, Academia-Sybidi, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1992, pp. 166 (with A. Bastenier, A. Battegay and A. Boubeker)

La sfida dell’immigrazione (The challenge of immigration), EMI, Bologna, 1991, pp.170
Essays in collective books (selection):

Veneto e immigrazione: è il tempo delle policies, in AA.VV., “Idee per il Veneto di domani. Spunti e riflessioni per il nuovo governo regionale”, e-book, Post Edizioni, 2015, pp.17-25
La presenza dell’islam nello spazio pubblico italiano: a che punto siamo?, in P. Naso and B. Salvarani (ed.), “I ponti di Babele. Cantieri, progetti e criticità nell’Italia delle religioni”, Bologna, EDB, 2015, pp. 209-228
Morte, in C. Benzoni (ed.), “In una parola. Frammenti di un’enciclopedia casuale”, Varese, Benzoni Editore, pp. 139-142
Postfazione. Alla ricerca di un po’ di swing, in A. Angelucci, M. Bombardieri e D. Tacchini (ed.), “Islam e integrazione in Italia”, Venezia, Marsilio, 2014, pp. 185-188
Mosques in Western Union, in Oxford Islamic Studies Online – OISO, Oxford University Press (2014)

The Production of Western Islamic Knowledge, in R. Tottoli (ed.) “Routledge Handbook on Islam in the West”, London-New York, Routledge, 2014, pp. 426-440
L’uomo e la morte in occidente. Verso un nuovo paradigma interpretativo (Man and Death in the West. Towards a New Interpretative Paradigm), in C. Viafora and E. Furlan (eds.), “Morire altrove. La buona morte in un contesto multiculturale” (“To Die Elsewhere. The Good Death in a Multicultural Context”), Milano, Franco Angeli, 2014
Silent Revolution in the Country of the Pope: From Catholicism as “The Religion of Italians” to the Pluralistic “Italy of Religions”, in F. De Donno and S. Gilson (eds.), “Beyond Catholicism. Heresy, Mysticism and Apocalypse in Italian Culture”, New York, Palgrave, 2014, pp. 287-313
L’islam che cambia. E non cambia (Islam that changes. And does not change), in P. Naso and B. Salvarani (eds.). “Un cantiere senza progetto. L’Italia delle religioni, Rapporto 2012” (“A Construction Site without Project. Italy of Religions, 2012 Report”), Bologna, EMI, 2012, pp. 98-108
Multiculturalism in Italy: The missing model, in A. Silj (ed.), “European Multiculturalism Revisited”, London-New York, Zed Books, 2010, pp. 147-180

I Fratelli Musulmani in Europa. L’influenza e il peso di una minoranza attiva (The Muslim Brotherhood in Europe. The influence and the Weight of an Active Minority), in M. Campanini and K. Merzran (eds.), “I Fratelli Musulmani nel mondo contemporaneo”, Torino, Utet, 2010, pp. 197-240

Moschee in Europa. Conflitti e polemiche, tra fiction e realtà (Mosques in Europe, Conflicts and Controversies, between Fiction and Reality), in “Quaderni di diritto e politica ecclesiastica”, anno XVIII, n. 1, aprile 2010, pp.149-160

Introduction to the Italian edition of P. Jenkins, “Il Dio dell’Europa. Il cristianesimo e l’islam in un continente che cambia” (original title: “God’s Continent”), Bologna, Emi, 2009, pp. 11-15

Immigrazione e pluralismo religioso (Immigration and Religious Pluralism), in P. Naso and B. Salvarani (eds.), “Il muro di vetro. L’Italia delle religioni. Primo rapporto 2009” (“The Glass Wall. Italy of Religions, first report 2009”), Bologna, Emi, pp. 65-71
Il caso islamico: percezione omogenea, pluralismo interno (The Islamic Case: Homogeneous Perception, Internal Pluralism), in P. Naso and B. Salvarani (eds.), “Il muro di vetro. L’Italia delle religioni. Primo rapporto 2009”, Bologna, Emi, pp. 92-96
Il pluralismo nascosto. Che cosa ci dice l’otto per mille (The Hidden Pluralism), in P. Naso and B. Salvarani (eds.), “Il muro di vetro. L’Italia delle religioni. Primo rapporto 2009”, Bologna, Emi, pp. 97-107

Cosa sarà l’islam europeo (What European Islam will become). In: “Osservatorio Scenari Strategici e di Sicurezza. Nomos & Khaos. Rapporto Nomisma 2007 sulle prospettive economico-strategiche”, 2008, pp. 127-147, Roma: Agra. (with E. Gnudi)
Nuove forme dell’islam nel mercato globale (New Forms of Islam in the Global Market) (introduction to), P. Haenni. “L’islam di mercato. L’altra rivoluzione conservatrice” (original title: “L’islam de marché”). (pp. 7-12), 2008, Troina (EN): Città Aperta
Islam italiano e società nazionale (Italian Islam and National Society). In: Ferrari A. (ed.). “Islam in Europa / Islam in Italia. Tra diritto e società”. (pp. 43-75), 2008, Bologna: Il Mulino

The Shifting Significance of the Halal/Haram Frontier: Narratives on the Hijab and Other Issues, in K. van Nieuwkerk (ed.), “Women Embracing Islam. Gender and Conversion in the West”, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2006, pp. 120-149
Cosa vuol dire ‘coppie miste’? Il vissuto e le interpretazioni (What does it mean “mixed couples”? Reality and Interpretations), in I. Zilio-Grandi (ed.), “Sposare l’altro. Matrimoni e matrimoni misti nell’ordinamento italiano e nel diritto islamico”, Venezia, Marsilio, 2006, pp. 11-41

Introduzione, in D. Sourdel and J. Sourdel-Thomine, “Vocabolario dell’islam”, Troina (EN), Città Aperta, 2005, pp. 9-12;
Sociology of a Newcomer: Muslim Migration to Italy – Religious visibility, Cultural and Political Reactions, in A. al-Shahi and R. Lawless (eds.), “Middle East and North African Immigrants in Europe”, London, Routledge, 2005, pp. 43-56
Dialogo e intercultura (Dialogue and Interculture), in S. Mantovani and B. Salvarani (eds.), “Io ti vedo, tu mi guardi. L’intercultura oggi in Italia, panorama e prospettive” (“I see you, you watch me. Interculture today in Italy, Panorama and Perspectives”), Torino, Edizioni Gruppo Abele, 2005, pp. 11-28

Communication and Communities: Public Space, Global Media and Local Umma, in J. Malik (ed.), “Muslims in Europe. From the Margin to the Centre”, Munster, LIT Verlag, 2004, pp. 185-203
Corpi migranti. Culture, religioni, salute e malattie in una società plurale (Migrant Bodies. Cultures, Religions, Health and Illness in a Plural Society), in G. Guizzardi (ed.), “Star bene. Benessere, salute, salvezza tra scienza, esperienza e rappresentazioni pubbliche”, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2004, pp. 285-342
Inmigraciones y religiones en Europa. Identitades individuales y colectivas en trasformación, in G. Aubarell and R. Zapata (eds.), “Inmigración y procesos de cambio. Europa y el Mediterráneo en el contexto global”, Barcelona, Icaria-IEMed, 2004, pp. 319-350
Le religioni degli italiani. Da un monopolio (più che altro) cattolico ad una pluralità religiosa (maggiore di quella visibile) (The Religions of Italians. From Catholic Monopoly to Religious Plurality), in G. Amendola (ed.), “Anni in Salita. Speranze e paure degli italiani” (“Difficult years. Hopes and Fears of Italians”), Milano, Franco Angeli, 2004, pp. 202-226 (with L. Diotallevi)
Il fattore “C”. Dinamiche (inter-)culturali e logiche istituzionali: osservazioni a partire dal caso dell’I.P.M ‘Cesare Beccaria’ (The “C” Factor. (Inter-)Cultural Dynamics and Institutional Logics: Observations from the case of the Institute of Juvenile Prevention ‘Cesare Beccaria’), in A. Campus (ed.), “Minori stranieri soli. Tra politiche di accoglienza e politiche di controllo”, Roma, Officina Edizioni, 2004, pp. 221-256

Le rôle des réseaux médiatiques dans la construction des communautés islamiques européennes, in R.Leveau, C.Wihtol de Wenden, K.Mohsen-Finan (eds.), “De la citoyenneté locale”, Paris, Institut Français des Relations Internationales, 2003, pp. 127-140
Islam in the public space: social networks, media and neo-communities, in S.Allievi and J.S.Nielsen (eds.), “Muslim Networks and Transnational Communities in and across Europe”, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2003, pp. 1-27
Islam in Italy, in S.T.Hunter (ed.), “Islam, Europe’s Second Religion”, Westport (CT)-London, Praeger-Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2003, pp. 77-95
Muslims and Politics, in B.Maréchal, S.Allievi, F.Dassetto e J.S.Nielsen (eds.), “Muslims in the Enlarged Europe. Religion and Society”, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2003, pp. 183-213
The Media, in B.Maréchal, S.Allievi, F.Dassetto e J.S.Nielsen (eds.), “Muslims in the Enlarged Europe. Religion and Society”, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2003, pp. 289-330
Relations and Negotiations: Issues and Debates on Islam, in B.Maréchal, S.Allievi, F.Dassetto e J.S.Nielsen (eds.), “Muslims in the Enlarged Europe. Religion and Society”, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2003, pp. 331-368
Relations between Religions, in B.Maréchal, S.Allievi, F.Dassetto e J.S.Nielsen (eds.), “Muslims in the Enlarged Europe. Religion and Society, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2003, pp. 369-414
The International Dimension, in B.Maréchal, S.Allievi, F.Dassetto e J.S.Nielsen (eds.), Muslims in the Enlarged Europe. Religion and Society”, Leiden-Boston, Brill, 2003, pp. 449-488
Il pluralismo introvabile: i problemi della ricerca comparativa (Lost Pluralism: The Problems of Comparative Research), in F.Garelli, G.Guizzardi e E.Pace (eds.), “Un singolare pluralismo. Indagine sul pluralismo morale e religioso degli italiani”, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2003, pp. 249-295

Sciiti d’Europa. Una minoranza senza visibilità (Shiites of Europe. A Minority without Visibility), in A.Nesti (ed.), “Laboratorio Iran. Cultura, religione, modernità in Iran”, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2003, pp.113-126
Tendenze dell’islam europeo (Tendencies of European Islam), in D.Melfa (ed.), “Islam. Frammenti di complessità”, Catania, Bonanno Editore-Università di Catania, 2002, pp. 103-120
L’Europa è dar al-islam? Trasformazioni del paesaggio religioso d’occidente (Is Europe dar al-Islam? Transformations of the Religious Landscape in the West), in G.Restifo (ed.), “Eredità del XX secolo in Medio Oriente”, Milano, Selene, 2002, pp. 363-384
Muslims in Italy, in R.Leveau, K.Mohsen-Finan e C.Wihtol de Wenden (eds.), “New European Identity and Citizenship”, London-Paris, Ashgate-Institut Français des Relations Internationales, 2002, pp. 37-47
Una nuova religione europea? L’islam alla prova dell’Occidente (A New European Religion? Islam at the West Test), introduction to T.Ramadan, “Essere musulmano europeo” (original title: “To be a European Muslim”), Troina (En), Città Aperta, 2002, pp. 13-39
Italie, in B.Maréchal (ed.), “L’Islam et les musulmans dans l’Europe élargie: radioscopie/A guidebook on Islam and Muslims in the wide contemporary Europe”, Louvain-la-Neuve, Academia-Bruylant, 2002, pp. 101-106

L’ultimo tabù: individuo e società di fronte alla morte (The Last Taboo: Individuals and Society facing Death), in M. Bucchi and F. Neresini (eds.), “Manuale di sociologia della salute” (“Handbook on Sociology of Health”), Roma, Carocci, 2001
Les musulmans et la politique, in F.Dassetto, B.Maréchal and J.Nielsen (eds.), “Convergences musulmanes. Aspects contemporains de l’islam dans l’Europe élargie”, Louvain-la-Neuve, Bruylant-Academia e L’Harmattan, 2001, pp.109-122
Les médias, in F.Dassetto, B.Maréchal and J.Nielsen (eds.), “Convergences musulmanes. Aspects contemporains de l’islam dans l’Europe élargie”, Louvain-la-Neuve, Bruylant-Academia e L’Harmattan, 2001, pp.133-146
Parole dell’islam, parole sull’islam. Formazione culturale, comunicazione e ruolo dei mass media (Words on Islam, Words of Islam. Cultural Development, Communication and the Role of Mass Media), in I.Siggillino (ed.), “I media e l’islam. L’informazione e la sfida del pluralismo religioso”, Bologna, EMI, 2001, pp.31-78
Morale, valori e pluralismo religioso. Analisi di alcune ricerche comparative (Morality, Values and Religious Pluralism. Analysis of some Comparative Researches), in S. Allievi et alii, “Religious and Moral Pluralism in Italy”, Padova, Cleup-Dipartimento di Sociologia, 2001, pp. 75-86
Islam e violenza (Islam and Violence), in “Annuario della pace 2000-2001”, Trieste, Asterios, 2001, pp.195-208
Il ruolo della religione nelle famiglie miste (The role of religion in mixed families), in M. Tognetti Bordogna (ed.) “Legami familiari e immigrazione: i matrimoni misti”, Torino, L’Harmattan Italia, 2001, pp. 97-126
Migrazioni, globalizzazione e pluralità religiosa. Cambiamenti in atto nel paesaggio e nelle dinamiche religiose in Europa (Migrations, Globalization and Religious Pluralism), G.Scidà (ed.), “I sociologi italiani e le dinamiche dei processi migratori” (“Italian Sociologists and the Dynamics of Migration Processes”), Milano, Franco Angeli Ismu, 2000, pp. 13-24
Les conversions à l’islam. Rédefinition des frontières identitaires, entre individu et communauté, in F.Dassetto (ed.), “Paroles d’islam / Islamic Words. Individuals, Societies and Discourses in Contemporary European Islam” (bilingual), Paris, Maisonneuve & Larose, 2000, pp.157-182
Complessità e dinamiche dell’islam in Italia, in M. El Ayoubi (ed.), “Islam plurale”, Roma, Com-Nuovi Tempi, 2000, pp.91-115
The Islamic Presence in Italy: Social Rootedness and Legal Questions, in S. Ferrari e A. Bradney (eds.), “Islam and European Legal Systems”, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2000, pp. 155-180 (with F.Castro)
Le medine invisibili. Metamorfosi della tradizione nell’islam europeo (Invisible Medinas. Metamorphosis of Tradition in the European Islam), in B.M. Pirani (ed.), “L’abbaglio d’occidente. Per il diritto alla differenza culturale”, Roma, Bulzoni, 2000
La città plurale. Nuove presenze culturali e mutamento urbano (The Plural City. New cultural Presences and Urban Change), in I.Siggillino (ed.), “L’islam nelle città. Dalle identità separate alla comunità plurale” (“Islam in the cities. From separate identities to plural communities”, Milano, Franco Angeli, 2000, pp.13-50
Immigrazioni e religioni in Europa. Identità in trasformazione (Immigrations and Religions in Europe. Identities in Transformation), in G.Procacci and N.Salamone (eds.), “Mutamento sociale e identità” (“Social Change and Identities”), Milano, Guerini Studio, 2000, pp.83-101
Sociologia e immigrazione araba in Italia: tra integrazione e identità (Sociology and Arab Immigration in Italy: Between Integration and Identity), in I.Camera d’Afflitto (ed.), “La presenza araba-islamica nell’editoria italiana”, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, “Quaderni di Libri e Riviste d’Italia”, n.44, 2000, pp.55-59 e 253-257 (anche ediz. araba)
Ritualizzazione del quotidiano. L’esperienza della preghiera nell’islam (Ritualization of Daily Life. The Experience of Prayer in Islam), in AA.VV., “Come incontrare Dio”, Parma, Benedettina Editrice, 1999, pp. 49-80
Lo sguardo occidentale sull’islam trapiantato (The Wester View on Transplanted Islam), in M.Delle Donne (ed.), “Relazioni etniche, stereotipi e pregiudizi”, Roma, EdUP, 1998, pp. 205-212
Muslim Minorities in Italy and their Image in Italian Media, in S.Vertovec e C.Peach (eds.), “Islam in Europe. The Politics of Religion and Community”, London, Macmillan, 1997, pp. 211-223

Immigrazione e pluralità religiosa, in M.Ambrosini e M.Salati (eds.), “Il valore della differenza. Tendenze, problemi, interventi sull’immigrazione straniera”, Milano, Paoline, 1997, pp.105-120

Muslim Organizations and Islam-State Relations: The Italian Case, in W.A.R. Shadid e P.S. van Koningsveld (eds.), “Muslims in the Margin. Political Responses to the Presence of Islam in Western Europe”, Kok Pharos, Kampen, 1996, pp.182-201
Il ruolo della religione nelle famiglie miste (The role of religion in mixed families), in M. Tognetti Bordogna (ed.), “Legami familiari e immigrazione: i matrimoni misti”, L’Harmattan Italia, Torino, 1996, pp.97-126
Quando l’Altro è l’Islam. Esercizi di comprensione del ruolo delle comunità musulmane in Europa (When the Other is Islam. Exercises in understanding the role of Muslim Communities in Europe), in F.Pizzini (ed.), “L’Altro: immagine e realtà. Incontro con la sociologia dei paesi arabi” (“The Other: Images and Reality. Encounters with the sociology of Arab countries”), Milano, Franco Angeli, 1996, pp. 207-228
The Muslim Community in Italy, in G.Nonneman, T.Niblock e B.Szajkowski (ed.), “Muslim Communities in the New Europe”, Reading, Ithaca Press, 1996, pp. 315-327
Les conversions à l’islam, in F.Dassetto (ed.), “Facettes de l’islam belge”, Louvain-la-Neuve, Academia-Bruylant, 1996, pp.97-102

Italie, in F.Dassetto e Y.Conrad (ed.), “Muslims in Europe / Musulmans en Europe Occidentale. Bibliographie commentée”, Paris, L’Harmattan, 1996, pp.109-124
L’Islam in Italia: profili storici e sociologici (Islam in Italy. Historical and sociological sketches), in S. Ferrari (ed.), “L’Islam in Europa. Lo statuto giuridico delle comunità musulmane”, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1996, pp.241-268
Données sociales et contexte culturel de l’implantation musulmane, in R.Bistolfi, F.Zabbal (ed.), “Islams d’Europe. Intégration ou insertion communautaire?”, Editions de l’Aube, 1995, pp.316-319
Organizzazione e potere nel mondo musulmano: il caso della comunità di Milano (Organization and Power in the Muslim milieu: The case of the community of Milan), in AA.VV., “I musulmani nella società europea”, Edizioni della Fondazione Agnelli, Torino, 1994, pp. 155-176
Il lavoro extracomunitario in Italia (Foreign labour in Italy), in “Rapporto Cesos, Le relazioni sindacali in Italia, 1992-93” (“Cesos Report. Labour Relations in Italy, 1992-93”), Edizioni Lavoro, Roma, 1994, pp. 191-218

I giovani musulmani in Europa: tra identità tradizionale e mutamento culturale (Young Muslims in Europe: Between Traditional Identities and Cultural Change), in L. Tomasi (ed.), “I giovani e le religioni in Europa”, Reverdito, Trento, 1993, pp.81-93
L’islam en Italie: histoire et présence, in J. Waardenburg (ed.) “L’islam en Europe: aspects religieux”, Université de Lausanne, Département d’histoire et de sciences des religions, Lausanne, 1993, pp. 87-93
Other essays (selection):

The War over Mosques, in Seminar, n. 621, maggio 2011,
Life with citizen Islam, in The Financial World, 2011,

L’islam en Europe devient-il européen?, in Afkar/Idées, n. 25, printemps 2010, pp.16-18
Immigration and Cultural Pluralism in Italy: Multiculturalism as a Missing Model, in Italian Culture, vol. XXVIII, n. 2, September 2010, pp. 85-103
Globalizzazione e culture della salute. Corpi migranti e società plurale (Globalization and Cultures of Health. Migrant Bodies and Plural Societies), in Africa e Mediterraneo. vol. 2 (64), 2008, pp. 8-13
Vittime collaterali. Intervista a Zygmunt Bauman (Collateral Victims. Interview with Zygmunt Bauman), in Aut Aut, n.333, gennaio-marzo 2007, pp.108-128
Western Europe and its Islam, in International Sociology, n.22, 2007, pp.197-200

La morte oggi (Death Today), in Servitium, III, n.171, maggio-giugno 2007, pp.33-44
I sociologi italiani e l’affaire Ramadan (Italian Sociologists and the ‘Ramadan affaire’), in Religioni e Società, XXI, n.56, settembre-dicembre 2006, pp.107-115
Conflicts, Cultures and Religions: Islam in Europe as a Sign and Symbol of Change in European Societies, in Yearbook on Sociology of Islam, n.3, 2006, pp.18-27
How and Why “Immigrants” became “Muslims“, in ISIM Review, n.18, autumn 2006, pp.37
Is Islam in Europe becoming European? An Open Question, in Africa e Mediterraneo, XIV, n.54, marzo 2006, pp.11-16

How the Immigrant has become Muslim. Public Debates on Islam in Europe, in Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, vol. 21, n. 2, 2005, pp.135-161
Seconda generazione, il nuovo volto dell’islam (Second generation, the new face of Islam), in Vita e Pensiero, n.3, LXXXVIII, giugno 2005, pp. 108-114

Musulmans d’Occident: les convertis, nouveaux protagonists de l’islam européen, in Cités, Hors Série (L’Islam en France), 2004, pp. 633-640
I musulmani in Italia: chi sono e come ci vedono (Muslims in Italy: Who are they and how they see us), in Limes, n. 3, 2004, pp. 97-107
La laicità imposta per legge (Secular thought enforced by law), in Vita e pensiero, VXXXVII, n. 2, marzo-aprile 2004, pp. 75-78
Religioni d’Italia. Fedi e forme di spiritualità in un’epoca di pluralismo (Italy’s Religions. Faiths and Forms of Spirituality in the Age of Pluralism), in Religioni e Società, n.47, 2003, pp.7-8 (con F. Garelli)
Konflikte um islamiche Symbole in Europa, in Journal für Konflikt und Gewaltforschung, n. 2 (vol. 5), 2003, pp. 6-31
Sociology of a Newcomer: Muslim Migration to Italy Religious Visibility, Cultural and Political Reactions, in Immigrants & Minorities, 22, n.2/3, 2003, pp. 141-154

Oublier Fallaci, renvoyer Sartori, in La Libre Belgique, 10 agosto 2002, p. 31 (with F. Dassetto)
Islam in Europa, Islam d’Europa, in Studi Emigrazione/Migration Studies, n.147, 2002, pp. 549-558
Islam and other Religions. Which Dialogue in Europe?, in Studi Emigrazione/Migration Studies, n.147, 2002, pp. 627-644
Converts and the Making of European Islam, in ISIM Newsletter, n. 11, 2002, pp.1 e 26
Islamofobia? Nuove forme di definizione e stigmatizzazione dell’alterità (Islamophobia? New forms of definition and stigmatization of diversity), in Razzismo & Modernità, n.2, 2002, pp. 3-30

La sociologia di fronte all’islam. Introduzione non bibliografica (Sociology facing Islam. A non-bibliographical Introduction), in Quaderni Asiatici, n. 58-59, luglio-dicembre 2001, pp. 33-69
L’anomalie italienne: trois droites et aucune gauche, in La Revue Nouvelle, n.6, 2001, pp. 18-31

Immigrazione islamica e conversioni all’islam. Una nuova dimensione dell’Europa delle religioni (Islamic Immigration and Conversions to Islam. A New Dimension of European Religions) , in Studi Emigrazione, n. 137, 2000, pp. 21-40
Immagini di un islam plurale. Dinamiche sociali e processi di istituzionalizzazione tra i musulmani italiani (Images of a Plural Islam. Social Dynamics and Processes of Institutionalization among Italian Muslims), in Humanitas, n.6, 2000, pp.858-873
Il multiculturalismo alla prova. L’islam come attore sociale interno (Multiculturalism under Trial. Islam as an Internal Social Actor), in Sociologia e politiche sociali (numero monografico Multiculturalismo e politiche migratorie), n.3, 2000, pp.45-81

Dall’Islam ai musulmani. Fare ricerca su una religione ‘immigrata’ (From Islam to Muslims. Making Research on a ‘immigrant’ religion), in Sociologia Urbana e Rurale, n.58, 1999
L’islam d’Oriente (Oriental Islam), in Testimonianze, n.406, 1999, pp.54-63
Pluralismo religioso e società multietniche (Religious Pluralism and Multiethnic Societies), in Filosofia e Teologia, n.3, 1999, pp.433-455
Medine d’Europa. L’islam nelle città (Medinas of Europe. Islam in the cities), in Religioni e Società, n.35, 1999, pp.114-131
Pluralismo e dialogo interreligioso. Sfide e interrogativi dell’alterità (Pluralism and Interreligious Dialogue. Challenges and questions on Otherness), in Orientamenti, n.1-2, 1998
Immigrazioni e fondamentalismi (Immigrations and Fundamentalisms), in Servitium, n.117, 1998

In search of a lost enemy. Fear of Islam in the West, in Rive, n.5, 1997 (ed. ingl.)
I matrimoni misti in Italia (Mixed marriages in Italy), in Famiglia Oggi, n.3, 1997
L’evidenza negata. Individuo e società di fronte alla morte (Denied Evidence. Individual and Society Facing Death), in Orientamenti, n.5-6, 1997
Doppio misto. Le coppie interetniche in Italia (Mixed Doubles. Interethnic couples in Italy), in Il Mulino, n.5, 1997
Immigrazione e sindacato: un rapporto incompiuto (Immigration and Trade Unions: An Unfinished Relation), in Sociologia del Lavoro, n.64, 1996
Islam, occidente, problemi dell’immigrazione (Islam, the West and Immigration Problems), in Testimonianze, n.3 (383), 1996
L’islam in Europa. Una svolta storica (Islam in Europe. An Historical Turn), in Il Mulino, n.2, 1996
L’Islam in Italia: profili storici e sociologici (Islam in Italy: Historical and Sociological Profiles), in Quaderni di diritto e politica ecclesiastica, n.1, 1996
Un’intesa per l’islam italiano? (An Agreement for Italian Islam?), in Il Mulino, n.5, 1996, pp.985-998
La città plurale. Etnie e mutamento urbano (The Plural City. Ethnies and Urban Change), in Orientamenti, n.3-4, 1995
L’islam e i matrimoni interreligiosi. Implicazioni giuridiche e sociali dei matrimoni misti nella comunità musulmana (Islam and interreligious marriages: Juridical and social implications of mixed marriages in the Muslim community), in Orientamenti, n. 5-6, 1994
Italie: le retour de l’Islam. La présence musulmane entre histoire et actualité, in Correspondances, n.22-23, 1994
Seconda religione, l’islam (Second Religion: Islam), in Il Mulino, n.5, 1994
Musulmani d’Italia. Un nuovo protagonista religioso, in Religione & Scuola, n.2, 1993
Mass media, immigrazione araba e guerra del Golfo. Il caso italiano (Mass Media, Arab Immigration and the Gulf War), in Dimensioni dello sviluppo, n.1, 1992
Le migrazioni nel Mediterraneo, in Africa e Mediterraneo, n. 1, 1992
Immigrazione e razzismo: considerazioni sulla situazione italiana (Imigration and Racism: Reflections on the Italian situation), in Orientamenti, n. 2/3, 1991
L’immigrazione in Italia e il contesto internazionale (Immigration in Italy and the International Context), in Prospettiva Sindacale, n. 79/80, 1991
Immigrazione, mondo del lavoro, sindacato – Quando la storia si ripete (Immigration, labour force, trade unions: When history repeats), in Prospettiva Sindacale, ibidem
La nuova normativa sugli immigrati extracomunitari (The new Norms on extra-Europeans immigrants), in Aggiornamenti Sociali, n. 4, 1990 (with D. Bonini)
La legge sui lavoratori stranieri immigrati in Italia (The Law on Foreign Workers Immigrated in Italy), in Aggiornamenti Sociali, n.7/8, 1987



I am currently Professor (Professore di seconda fascia) at the University of Padua. I have recently been qualified as full professor in the national concourse, in “General Sociology”, December 2013, and in “Sociology of cultural and communicative processes”, February 2014.
Since October 1st 2013 I have been elected as President of the master’s degree course (Corso di laurea magistrale) in “Sociology” at the University of Padua, with the mission to create a new and innovative teaching course: a task fulfilled with the creation of the master’s degree course in “Cultures, Education and Global Society”, that has started in the academic year 2014-15, in collaboration with the former Faculty of Education.
Since November 2014 I am Director of the Master course in “Islam in Europe”.
I graduated at the University of Milan, Faculty of Political Sciences, in 1992, and I got a Ph.D. in Sociology and Social Research, at the University of Trento in 1997, with a dissertation on “Conversions to Islam”, based on a three years qualitative research, at the European level. The dissertation has become a book, published in French in 1998 and in Italian in 1999, for which I won two award prizes in 2000: the special prize of the prestigious “Premio Pozzale Luigi Russo” (won by important Italian intellectuals, such as Norberto Bobbio, Carlo Ginzburg, Remo Bodei, Franco Fortini, Roberto Saviano) and the “Premio Feudo di Maida” (in the same year, the winner of another section of the prize has been Ryszard Kapuściński).
Since 2001 I am researcher and since 2004 I am Professor (Professore di seconda fascia) of Sociology at the University of Padua, where I teach “Sociology” and “Globalization and cultural pluralism” (and previously “Communication and interculturality”). I also teach in several postgraduate courses, such as masters and Ph.D. courses. The evaluations of my courses made by the students are at the level “High”.
I am also in the board of the Doctorate School in “Social Sciences: interactions, communications and cultural constructions” at the University of Padua, and I have guided B.A., M.A, Ph.D. and foreign student’s thesis.
My main research interests, during the last 20 years, have been Islam in the West, religious pluralism, immigration, multiculturalism and related issues: Muslims in Europe, the role of media and communication, the political use of Islam and Islamophobia, the construction of reciprocal images and imaginaries, religious conversions, the establishing of religious-based networks, the production and dissemination of Islamic knowledge, mixed couples, family ties, interreligious and social dialogue, conflicts about mosques, identity formation, political and cultural pluralism, body and health representations, and many others.
I have published extensively in different languages (mainly in English and Italian, but also French and other languages, and two of my books have been translated respectively in Arabic, Al-Islâm al-Itâlî. Rihla(t) fî waqâ’i’ al-diyâna al-thâniya, and Turkish, Avrupa’da Müslüman Öznenin Üretimi: Fikirler, Bilinçler, Örnekler).
I have written consistently also on migration issues, political parties and movements (I published a book on the Lega Nord party in its early history and at the beginning of my academic career: Le parole della Lega, Milano, Garzanti, 1992. A book on the Democratic Party has been published in October 2013: Chi ha ucciso il PD, Milano, Mimesis), cultural pluralism, sociology of culture, communication issues, sociology of health and death, contributions to the diffusion of sociological thought (my interview to Zygmunt Bauman has been published in the philosophical review Aut-Aut; I have re-interviewed Bauman publicly at the House of Parliament in rome, October 22nd 2013: the new interview will be published soon), and other topics.
I have strong research network and ties with scholars of various countries.
I am among the founders and organizers, at the University of Padua, of the Master on “Studies on Islam of Europe”, and I am in the scientific committee and among the organizers of a training course project for imams and Muslim activists, organized since 2010 by the FIDR, an Italian interuniversity centre on democracy and religion, with the patronage of the Ministry of Interiors of the Italian Government. I am also member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the “Yearbook on the Sociology of Islam”, of the review “Religioni e Società”, of the scientific committee of the review “Africa e Mediterraneo”, and of the Academic Advisory Board of the “European Journal of Muslim Perspectives” (EJMP), a new journal whose first issue will be released in 2014. I am also associated member of the CISMOC/CISCOW (Centre pour l’étude de l’islam dans le monde contemporain/Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Islam in the Contemporary World) of the Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, of the research group on Islam and modernity (GRIM) at the University of Padua, and among the members of Eurislam. I directed the collection “Orienti” for the publisher “Città Aperta”, and I am member of the scientific committee of the cultural Festival “Vicino/Lontano” (“Close/Far”) in Udine.
Between 2001 and 2007 I have been the secretary of the Italian Association of Sociologists of Religion.
I have been member of the International Association of Sociologists of Religion, and I am member of the Sociology of Islam network.
Before entering the academia, I have been a professional journalist. Subsequently I have worked for closely a decade, between 1982 and 1991, for the CISL trade union, in Milan, as the person in charge of the first migrant’s bureau, and then, since 1984, of the international bureau. I have also been coordinator, in that period, of a newly created Observatory on military industry (to study ways of reconversion of this industry). In the meantime I was editor in chief of the theoretical review Prospettiva sindacale (Trade Union Perspectives). I have also co-directed, in the following years, the review Orientamenti. Before this experience, in 1982-1983, I have been working for a NGO called Acra, devoted to rural development in Africa.
I have always in mind the broader frame of public policies of which the academic and research activity is part of. For this reason I devoted several studies to political sociology and I am asked to intervene in public debates, through editorials in newspapers (I wrote comments for several local and regional newspapers of the national group Repubblica-L’Espresso), and through social networks.
I have participated in many international research projects, some of which I have directed.
I have strong research networks and ties with scholars of various countries. They find their origin in the fact that, together with many colleagues, we have been among the first experts in the field of the presence of Islam in our respective countries. This has been a great opportunity to meet often, to publish collective books together (comparing different national cases), to create occasions of collective research, to invite and being invited to conferences and workshops, or to give lectures and lessons. This has engendered the possibility of collaborating with all the main research institutes in the field: from academic institutions such as the ISIM in Leiden to religious ones like the Islamic Foundation, and to various institutions from Berlin to Barcelona, from London to Paris, from Amsterdam to Louvain, from Oxford to Rome. We have also had the occasion to establish structures of researchers of the same field. The first one, of which I have been a co-founder, has been the FRIE (Forum for Researchers on Islam in Europe), founded in 1992 in Louvain-la-Neuve. From then on we have been able to maintain our networks, to involve younger researchers, to build up new occasions of collaboration.
The workshops organised in the frame of the Mediterranean Meetings of the European University Institute in Florence have also been useful to involve young researcher in new directions of research: I have co-convened two workshops (and participated to others) in different years, the results of which have been the books Muslim networks and transnational communities in and across Europe, published by Brill, and Producing Islamic knowledge. Transmission and dissemination in Western Europe, published by Routledge, which I co-edited (the frequent co-editions with colleagues of different countries are themselves a sign of solid transnational collaboration).
I have also participated to different workshops on the future of research on Islam in Europe (in Amsterdam 2009, Leiden 2011 and Elsinore 2013), together with some of the leading experts in the field, which have been the occasion to meet and debate the evolutions of our research field, and to promote new explorative research lines. As an output of the last two meetings I have proposed (in Leiden) and motivated with my opening speech (in Elsinore) to start a research project on Branding Islam, that will result in a call for paper and a monographic issue of the Journal of Muslims in Europe.
The system of public financial support for academic researches in Italy, particularly on social and cultural issues, is very limited. So, I have acquired significant skills in writing research projects and finding financial support for them, outside the traditional public system. My first research on Islam in Italy, Il ritorno dell’islam, then a successful book (a long travelling investigation through Italy that lasted two years and implied 40.000 km of travelling with various means) has been financed by Iscos, an Italian NGO. My other researches has been founded, since the beginning (even before I entered the University: my first researches date at the end of the Eighties), by Italian public institutions such as Irer (Regional Institute of Research, in Lombardy), Censis (the national official census and research institute), the Municipality of Milan, the Ministry of Interiors, the Ministry of Culture, and private organizations such as Centro Sociale Ambrosiano, Iref, Agnelli Foundation, and NGO’s like Cesvi. For what concerns transnational research groups, I was part of the group financed by the European Science Foundation (Individual and society in the Mediterranean Muslim World, for which I organised a transnational workshop and a publication). A research group I was part of has won research financing by the European Commission (Forward Studies Unit, which supported the research that leaded to the book Muslims in the enlarged Europe – Outstanding Academic Title in 2004 for the American Library Association). Apart several small grants for researches on different aspects of Islam in Italy, financed by the Ministry of University and Scientific Research, I have written with Ethnobarometer the research proposal, then financed by several European Foundations, on Europe’s Muslim Communities: Security and Integration post September 11 (that leaded among other outputs to the publication of European Multiculturalism Revisited, in which I published an essay, and I musulmani e la società italiana, which I edited). The last project I wrote and successfully found financial support for has been a large comparative research on conflicts over mosques in Europe, financed by the Network of European Foundations, the most important umbrella organization of foundations in Europe, that led, among other results (included many high level European meetings to disseminate its results) to the publication of the books Conflicts over mosques in Europe and Mosques of Europe. Why a solution has become a problem, which I respectively wrote and edited, and, in Italian, of La guerra delle moschee, which I wrote, and the regional research Ma la moschea no, which I edited.
I have had a significant experience in collective work and leading groups. Apart and before academic engagements and jobs that go in the direction of managing staff and functions (among others, I have been elected by my colleagues of the University of Padua as the president of the master’s degree course in “Sociology”), I have worked in other milieu that imply organisational capabilities. I have worked for barely a decade, between 1982 and 1991, for the CISL trade union, in Milan, as the person in charge of the first migrant’s bureau, and then, since 1984, of the International bureau. In that period I also coordinated the activities of the Observatory on military industry.
I have always in mind the broader frame of public policies of which the academic and research activity is part of. For this reason I have frequently been asked to intervene in public debates on sensitive issues. For the same reasons I have acted as a consultant in conflicts and negotiations on cultural issues, notably on mosque conflicts. In my academic activity, studying highly sensitive subjects, and being confronted with hot debated issues and delicate and sometimes confidential topics, I have had the occasion to work with municipalities, churches school institutions, police forces and security agencies, political parties, trade unions, NGOs and other organizations and movements.